Urban Climate Journal

Publication of our exposure indicator to wind driven rain in urban areas.

We are pleased to present our methodology for assessing long-term exposure to wind drivent rain in urban environments, published in Urban Climate.

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This research, titled Assessing long-term exposure to wind-driven rain in urban environments: A computational method, uses RANS simulations and interpolation techniques to specify the impact of precipitation on urban structures. For more details, refer to the full article on ScienceDirect.

A summary of the method is available in our Blog section!

Feel free to contact us for more information or access the article directly via the provided link.

Example of an annual rain exposure map [Epônes Mézières train station]


  • Title: Assessing long-term exposure to wind-driven rain in urban environments: A computational method
  • Author: Alexis SAUVAGEON
  • Date: January 2024
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.101831
  • Accesss: Link